Thursday 20 June 2013

Walk in His ways!

Hi everyone,

God's promises never come to nought... this one in particular really inspires me!

Zechariah 3:7
"Thus says the Lord of hosts:
     'If you will walk in My ways,
      And if you will keep My command,
      Then you shall also judge My house,
      And likewise have charge of My courts;
      I will give you places to walk 
      Among these who stand here.'"

Did I hear that right?? God will give us charge of His courts?
That's the promise! If we walk in His ways, and keep his commands, then we shall serve in his courtroom!

What a promise that is!

But I guess the qualifications for that highest of all jobs is as simple as God himself puts it: walk in His ways. If we do that, we are fit to serve God. 

Walking in His ways isn't just our own efforts though. Its every bit of God's grace and mercy coupled together with our willingness to be humble and submit under his perfect authority!

Only because of Jesus' death on that cross do we stand tall. Only because of saving grace do we live. Only because of His blood do we graciously receive gift after gift and blessing after blessing, even though we don't deserve it.

This is an opportunity to serve God. Our part is to walk in His ways.... if only it was that easy!!

Pray for each other brothers and sisters. We need prayer every moment to fulfil this holy calling!

Blessings in Jesus' name,


20 June 2013

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